Here are a few examples (though there are many more):
First and not the least of them all, we look for ways to make sure that advertising (considered by many to be a necessary evil, and commercial communications are no longer seen as pollution.
We try to reduce our use of paper.
We favour the use of recycled papers, of course, unbleached and whenever possible, made from wood harvested from sustainable forests.
We also encourage our printer to use soy inks, rather than the chemical equivalents.
Company cars, if we must acquire some, would be hybrids (currently, none of us have cars, we use rentals when necessary). They would also be, if possible, for multiple users.
Like in the Swedish approach to work, common areas (hallways or think tanks) have been created to reduce unused space.
For those interested, Nonante encourages working from home, which can now easily be done because of the possibilities and advances in technology. Any necessary commuting would then be done outside of rush hours in order for them to be facilitated and to allow for more flexibility.
We try to limit our workspace, therefore the energy we spend during in the wintertime (in Quebec, with temperatures during cold spells plummeting down to –45°C, you can bet energy use can reach extremes).
Many offices are not in use because of meetings held outside of premises.
Meeting rooms are another example. They are big rooms that need heating “for no reason at all”, when in reality they are used for only 8 or 12 hours per week/month. Imagine the electricity or gas bill for all these empty spaces. We have therefore decided go back to an idea we enjoyed, joint rental, so that we may access communal meeting rooms, or rent out conference rooms, when necessary.