Quality doesn’t appear out of thin air. To touch, to convince, to move, to raise awareness, to insure that your brand will leave its mark and be imprinted in people’s memory, none of that is left to chance.
Behind quality, there is experience and there is sweat. There are exchanges and reflection, comprehension and then, of course, creativity…
Not acting on the spur of the moment. Making sure we always take the time to think first, in a way, making sure that our eye remains a saving grace.

Creativity must be an intricate part of everything, from initial thought to execution, to production. Quality simply lasts.
Quality sometimes demands that we stop and ask the right questions.
Doing what others do is the minimum requirement for us. Any communications agency must be strategic, must be capable of managing accounts and budgets according to each client’s situation. Wouldn’t you expect the leaky pipe to be fixed when the plumber’s gone?
From there, we go further. We never want to stop going forward and being innovative. Believe us, we’re not about to run out of ideas.
To finish, here is an amusing little test, but a very interesting one nonetheless.
Ever heard of it?
Imagine you are standing at your front door. You forgot your keys and, of course, the door is locked. It’s late. Very, very late. Oh gosh, it’s 3 am. Damn it, why’d you forget your keys? No choice but to call a locksmith.
Or, you’re an aeronautic engineer, you are working on component resistance for a cargo airplane. You are asked to reduce costs. Where will you have to compromise?
Simpler still, you have a problem communicating, you need to solve it.
In all three cases, the rule of thumb is the same. A compromise is necessary. But where?

O Quality
O Cost
O Speed

No matter what the demands, it is simply impossible to check all three items at once.
And it will have an important impact on the final result.
Truly, that is also where our equitable philosophy starts making a whole lot of sense.